I have a keen interest in figuring out how a Parecon would be put into practice if ever an opportunity would arise to do so. For example, it could manifest via a revolution like it did for communism in Russia. Or it could start out small and gradually overtake the dominant system, capitalism. Or it could peacefully replace an existing communist regime like in Cuba. Or a democratic country could elect politicians whose main platform is to implement a Parecon (my personal favourite) and then go from there. The context of a transition to a Parecon could take many forms.
Would anyone be interested in working on some kind of hypothetical implementation plan, as though we were asked to produce one for one of the contexts I’ve described above? The goal would be to produce a kind of roadmap which could be referenced should ever the opportunity arose, to implement a Parecon model.
Regardless of the scenario, it means scrapping existing institutions and building upon those remnants the Parecon institutions. But it must be practical. For example, if in a given country, its citizens controlled all of its legislatures, what would be those legislatures first order of business? Obviously, some laws would have to change, such as those that created corporations, the federal reserve banking system, etc. But what new laws would need to be created so that the Parecon institutions would take hold?
Then, how would those worker council institutions manifest? Would the agricultural department be turned into an agricultural federation? Would the manufacture of farm implements, machinery and tools fall under its jurisdiction? if so, does that mean that John Deere and Monsanto fall under the mandate of the agricultural federation? what about farm land? would it become part of the commons?
Then there is the whole matter of painlessly transitioning from a corporate model to one that is based on Parecon principles of fair pay, etc. over what period of time would this take? what sorts of educational programs would be implemented so that workers understand their new roles, etc.
What do you think? Anyone interested in fleshing out a way forward?