Parecon and Labour time calculation

Hi, I’ve been looking into parecon a bit and see many good and necessary approaches for society to get beyond the destructive constraints of capitalism. But I’m also bit critical of some things about parecon. Without giving too much away, I’m also very interested in labor time calculation, a theory from council communism according to the GIC (Group International Communists). I would like to know where you see differences and similarities between parecon and labor time calculation (according to the GIC)? Where can these two systems possibly even enrich each other? Obviously not everyone here knows labor time calculation, so as a little introduction I’ve put together a short video explaining labor time calculation:

I’m looking forward to good discussions! :slight_smile:

It seems that GIC’s labour time calculation is essentially the same as Cockshott’s. However, I am concerned that you need to incorporate environmental costs into pricing. If my understanding is correct, such a labour-time pricing doesn’t consider the effect of human’s production on environment.

Thanks for your reply!

I strongly suspect that there are major differences between CC and working time calculation. Cockshott and Cottrell prefer centralized, technical planning rather than GIC labour time calculation. Here is a brief overview:

If you want to go a little deeper, this is an excellent critique of the Cockcost and Cotrell model and makes the difference very clear.

That’s interesting. Will take a look if I am available.

Oh, by the way, I am gonna translate it into Chinese so I can discuss this essay with my friends.

Yeah, i am glad to hear that! By the way: We, IDA, would really appreciate if we could publish your translated text. :slightly_smiling_face:

No problem! I will notify you once I have finished it.

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Great! Looking forward to it.