New PE Podcast: Call for Names

A number of folks involved with organizing and contributing to the Participatory Economy forum and website, myself included, are starting a new podcast themed to the model of a participatory economy.

We are looking for suggestions for what to name the podcast. What should we name the podcast? Please submit suggestions to this thread. Thanks!

Pep Talk - The Participatory Economy Podcast.

pep talk definition: “a usually brief, intense, and emotional talk designed to influence or encourage an audience”

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I did a search for ‘Pep Talk podcast’ and the only thing close was ‘The Creative Pep Talk Podcast’ so I think We’er good to go for ‘Pep Talk - The Participatory Economy Podcast’ if we choose that.

I like ‘Pep talk’ the best but here are few more suggestions for what it’s worth:

  1. Participatory Economy - The best of the best!
  2. The Wealth of Nations - Participatory Economy
  3. Participatory Pep Talk
  4. Participatory Pep Talk Podcast
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