I had recently found out about an idea called flow credit university, from the book Common Planet. From what I read, it seems familiar as to how currency would play out under parecon.
Do y’all have any thoughts on this?
I couldn’t access the PDF document for some reason.
My thoughts on how a currency could be created right now (why not create that parallel society?) are the following…
Develop an electronic platform to account for the transactions, something like a distributed ledger system, they type used by cryptocurrencies.
Agree amongst participants that each will charge the same labour to produce their goods/services.
Start producing goods/services and offer these for sale.
Exchange currency for such goods/services.
It would basically be an underground or black market economy free from government controls and taxes.
Hey fellas, I’m the author of the book. I’ve updated the site Common-Planet.org and the pdf should be easy to read/download now. Also we’ve updated the plan and renamed the Flow currency system as Creditism, to contrast it vs the debt-money system. Have a look. And yeah, I read about Parecon almost 10 years ago and indeed this plan is compatible and actually refers to Parecon in the book.